
Ansin Religious School (ARS)

There’s no one-size-fits all in Judaism; each of us is an individual, yet made in God’s image (b’tzelem Elohim), and each of us has to find our own connection to Judaism. Our ARS staff serve as facilitators, helping students and families find their own unique path to Jewish life. By the end of their time at ARS, students will be able to actively participate in Reform worship services while finding meaning in the prayer; be familiar with Jewish holidays and values; have an understanding of the arc of Jewish history through the Torah and beyond; and most of all, find relevance in the Jewish story to their own stories. Family engagement and parental involvement is a huge component to our success, and we enjoy having families be part of the learning whenever possible.

For more information about our programs, registration form for 2024-2025, schedule and pricing, email ars@ohabei.org.