
TOS Blog

Posted on October 18, 2024

Joy and Vulnerability: The Invitation of Sukkot

October 18, 2024 The Festival of Sukkot began on Wednesday night. Immediately following the journey of the High Holy Days, we are encouraged to spend time dwelling in a structure that is beautiful but fragile, one through which we can see the full moon and the stars, and even through which we will feel the …


High Holy Days at TOS for Families
Posted on September 30, 2024

High Holy Days at TOS for Families

Dear TOS Families, Every year, we reach out with some advice about how to celebrate the High Holy Days in your home and at TOS. Please read on to learn which of our services are best for which age of kids, our thoughts about finding time for the introspection that the Holy Days bring, and …


ShalomBASE: A New Innovation in Jewish Educational Programming By Denise J. Karlin
Posted on September 18, 2024

ShalomBASE: A New Innovation in Jewish Educational Programming By Denise J. Karlin

At this time of year, many families are faced with the question of how to ensure that their children are kept safe and engaged during that awkward time period between when school gets out for the day and parents get off work, whether they be working out of the home EXPLORE JEWISH SPAIN www.jewishtours or …


Posted on September 13, 2024

B’yachad – Together

September 13, 2024 We are looking forward to welcoming more than 225 community members at tonight’s Welcome Back Shabbat B’yachad. For as long as I can remember, “B’yachad” has been a key part of TOS life. It started as our ARS community time on Sunday morning and, over time, has come to mean intergenerational, community Shabbat …


Posted on August 30, 2024

News from the TOS Board of Trustees

August 30, 2024   The TOS Board has been busy at work fulfilling its mission:  The TOS Board works together to maintain the temple’s fiscal viability and social fabric of the TOS  community. Its mission is to foster a warm and inclusive community and create opportunities for TOS members to connect through education, worship, and …


Posted on August 23, 2024

Turning our Attention toward Love and Renewal: Tu B’Av as the “Jewish Valentine’s Day” and a bridge to the High Holy Day Season

August 23, 2024   After a very humid summer here in New England, it has been a wonderful relief to feel some hints of cooler air, and even an inkling of color on the edges of some leaves. As the summer begins to wane and our attention starts to shift to the new beginnings of …


Posted on August 16, 2024

Finding Comfort in Listening: A Shabbat Message for Shabbat Nachamu (Shabbat of Comfort) and Parashat Etchanan

August 16, 2024 This Shabbat is the first after Tisha b’Av, the culmination of the Jewish calendar’s three week period of mourning for the destruction of the ancient Temples in Jerusalem, and the many other catastrophes of Jewish history. Now, we turn our hearts toward the possibility of comfort and healing, with this first of …


Posted on August 9, 2024

A Shabbat Message from Rabbi Audrey Marcus Berkman

August 9, 2024   My Dear TOS Community, As we enter into Shabbat, we must make space for peace, for community, and connection and joy, even as half of the Jewish people live under the threat of imminent attack by Iran, by Hezbollah, and other proxies of Iran. We live in a moment of existential …


Posted on July 26, 2024

Making Space for Sadness, Building on Hope: A Shabbat Message from Rabbi Berkman

July 26, 2024   The Jewish calendar has an emotional arc to it. Rooted in the cycles of the moon (it is a lunar calendar), the cycles of seasons (many of our festivals have agricultural roots) but also rooted in history, our sacred calendar invites us to remember where we have been and what we …