
News from the TOS Board of Trustees

August 30, 2024


The TOS Board has been busy at work fulfilling its mission:  The TOS Board works together to maintain the temple’s fiscal viability and social fabric of the TOS  community. Its mission is to foster a warm and inclusive community and create opportunities for TOS members to connect through education, worship, and repair of the world. To those ends, we request that you. . . 

Make Friends and Get Involved!

The Board and congregants run many committees that work hard to organize events that suit your needs. Read about committees below and contact chairs at the emails provided – we hope to hear from you!!

Adult Education: Are you interested in inviting authors, artists, scholars, or other exciting speakers to give lectures/discussions at TOS?  Perhaps you would like to lead discussions about books, films, politics, or other topics? The Adult Education committee is looking for committee members–and a co-chair! The Adult Education committee works closely with TOS Trustee Nick Hunter and Rabbi Berkman. Please contact: adulteducation@ohabei.org

Ritual Committee: Did you ever wonder how services are organized? Or wish that certain things were offered at Friday night services? Consider joining the Ritual Committee! The Ritual Committee works closely with Rabbi Berkman and TOS Trustee Michelle Simon. We are looking for both committee members and a committee co-chair. Please contact: ritualcommittee@ohabei.org

Social Action: Are you passionate about tikkun olam (repair of the world)? You might be interested in helping organize events that are in line with those passions by joining the Social Action Committee. The Social Action committee works closely with Cantor Silverman (nee Harel) and Trustee Leigha Cuniberti. Please contact: socialaction@ohabei.org

Kayla’s Caring Community: Would you like to help individuals get rides to services, deliver food to a sick individual, or drop off a care package to a new mother? Consider joining Kayla’s  Caring Community (chesed). Kayla’s Caring Community works closely with TOS Trustees Stephanie Kohn, Rachel Miller Munzer, and Alisa Kahn Ridruejo. Contact: kcc@ohabei.org 

Gardening Committee: We are looking for helpers to weed, plant, and water. Physical labor is involved. No previous experience necessary! You will be working closely with TOS president Natasha Goldman and TOS congregants Spence Gould, Barb Cohen, Susan Elsbree, and Ben Spunt. Contact: tosgardeningcommitee@gmail.com

Young Adult: Are you interested in fostering a vibrant young adult committee that bridges the TOS community and Boston Jewish community, partakes in intergenerational education and participates in tikkun olam (repair of the world), caring for those in our community and our environment? If this sounds good to you, please consider joining the Young Adult Committee.  The Young Adult committee works closely with TOS Trustee Ted Feldman, our fellow committees, board members, TOS Clergy and Staff Cantor Silverman (nee Harel) and Trustee Leigha Cuniberti. Please contact: youngadult@ohabei.org