
Tikkun Zoom Shavuot


May 25, 2023 - May 26, 2023    
5:00 pm

TOS will join Temple Israel on Thursday, May 25 through Friday, May 26 for their 4th Annual Tikkun Zoom Shavuot. Learn alongside people from around the world as dozens of teachers, artists, and facilitators lead us in study, prayer, art making, music and more over 25 hours in the zoomosphere. Sessions run back to back all night and day, and you can pop in for an hour or two, or brew a pot of coffee and stay with us for the long haul. Rabbi Berkman, Rabbi Queen and Past TOS President, Larry Green will each be leading a session—more info on the sessions below. No registration required and all are welcome! A full schedule of learning sessions can be found here.

Tikkun Zoom Shavuot is offered in partnership with the Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Israel of Boston, Hebrew College, Temple Ohabei Shalom, Temple Beth Zion, Sinai Brookline, Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue, and the Brookline Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot.

Cultivating an “Interior Wilderness”: Mindfulness, Meditation, and Receiving Torah, taught by Rabbi Audrey Berkman
Thursday, May 25 at 7pm
Why was Torah revealed in the Wilderness (Midbar)? We will explore the meaning of Wilderness and the connection between physical wilderness and the metaphorical wilderness that exists within us, making connections between mindfulness practice and the cultivation of a state of mind and heart that is open to receive Torah in the broadest sense.

The Influence of our Hebrew Bible on the Magna Carta, taught by Past TOS President, Larry Green
Friday, May 26, 2am
Written in 1215, the Magna Carta is widely recognized as one of the most important documents in the evolution of democracy. Our Hebrew Bible had a great influence on the creation and writing of the Magna Carta. The session will examine passages from Deuteronomy and Psalms establishing the principle that the ruler is not above the law.

Jewish Matchmaking?: Relationships in the Book of Ruth, taught by Rabbi Jennifer Queen
Friday, May 26 at 8am
Join Rabbi Queen to explore relationship dynamics in the Book of Ruth. How do the rabbis, ancient and modern, interpret the relationship between Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, and that of Ruth and Boaz, her second husband? What might these relationships teach us about how Judaism understands deep, intimate connection – whether platonic, romantic, or otherwise – between two people? And finally, what might all of this teach us about seeking and finding a connection with the Divine?