
Shabbat B’yachad – Confirmation


June 2, 2023    
5:15 pm - 8:30 pm


1187 Beacon Street, Brookline

Join us for Confirmation Shabbat, marking the culmination of the 2022-23 Confirmation experience, and honoring the learning and accomplishments of the class participants. We will also take an opportunity to honor graduating seniors and other teens from the TOS community.

Confirmation is a meaningful post-B’nei Mitzvah learning opportunity and a long-standing tradition across the Reform movement, offering teens – equipped with years of Jewish learning and experiences – to explore Judaism on their own terms and confirm their commitment to their Jewish values and a lifetime of Jewish living as they prepare to go off into the world.

This years’ class has been full of incredible conversations and insight offered by each student, and during this Shabbat service, the 2022-23 Confirmation participants, Moe Frumkin, Zach Gale, Max Kesselheim and Dava Sitkoff will each share a short D’var Torah about a text or an idea we studied. We hope you will join us to celebrate our teens reaching this milestone moment, and to learn from the deep wisdom they each have to offer.

Register here!

Evening Timeline
5:15pm: Tot Shabbat (Chapel)
6:00pm: Dinner (Penn Spero)
7:00pm: Shabbat Services (Chapel) ~dessert to follow