
Erev Shabbat Service with JRNU Speaker, Judi Garrett


March 24, 2023    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


1187 Beacon Street, Brookline

We will be welcoming Judi Garrett, the Chief Operating Officer of Jewish Relief Network Ukraine to speak on Friday, 3/24. 

The Jewish Relief Network Ukraine (JRNU) is unique among the several aid organizations in Ukraine today. With virtually no bureaucracy and minimal overhead, every dollar has a direct and immediate impact; the results are significant and demonstrable. The Chabad Rabbi at the helm of the organization, Shlomi Peles, has 30 years of experience and knows precisely how to address the needs of the people, efficiently and effectively. Rabbi Peles, has dedicated his life to helping and caring for the people of Ukraine, from holocaust survivors to young children in orphanages and everyone in between. Working collaboratively with the network of Chabad Rabbis in Ukraine and around the world, and directing a team of professional staff in the field, JRNU ensures that more than 50,000 Ukrainian Jews receive food, medicine, housing, programs for children and much more. The two JRNU hotlines located in Israel, field more than one hundred new requests each day, for aid of all kinds including grocery store certificates, hot meals, medical treatment, emergency transportation, and evacuation assistance.

Judi Garrett has been leading organizations that help people for more than 30 years, first as a senior executive in the federal government and now as the Chief Operating Officer of the Jewish Relief Network Ukraine. Her experience directing an organization with 35,000 staff and a budget of $7 billion, combined with an extensive history partnering with non-profit organizations and public leaders, allows Judi to effectively implement the vision and mission for this humanitarian relief organization. In the past, Judi worked with the highest-level government officials in this country and abroad, on sensitive humanitarian issues including prison conditions, torture, civil society and human rights generally. Judi brings a wealth of knowledge about organizational structure, management and operations; legislative/political affairs; budgets; information technology; communications; and human resources.  

Judi spent several of her childhood years in Israel where she learned Hebrew and developed a deep love for the country and its people. Combined with the fact that her grandfather emigrated from Poland as a young man, Judi is grateful for the opportunity to work with and for Eastern European and Israeli Jews to make a positive difference in the lives of many.  

She has a law degree from Washington University in St. Louis and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is a proud mother of 6 incredible kids and lives outside Washington DC in Northern Virginia.

Please enter through the glass doors on Marshal Street next to the parking lot.