
Update as of 3/13/2020

Dear TOS Community,

We believe in the importance of community in good times, and in hard times. Our world is rapidly evolving, and we will respond as quickly as we can. Therefore, Temple Ohabei Shalom has decided to limit access to our building, and all school and clergy staff will work their regular schedule remotely beginning tonight, Friday, March 13th through March 29th, 2020. Access to Temple facilities will be limited to those with approved access during this time. The Temple will closely monitor the situation and our communal response may shift as the facts develop.

During this time, clergy and staff will be available by email. In case of a pastoral or lifecycle emergency, please call: 617.651.0584.

Starting now, ALL services, adult education classes, and committee meetings will take place using an online video platform or conference call. With respect to youth education (TCEE, ARS, and HomeBASE), the Temple is following the lead of the Public Schools of Brookline and will be closed through March 27th. Our education team will send separate communications regarding opportunities to connect virtually during this time.


Friday Evening

Tonight, March 13th, Rabbi Berkman will host our Erev Shabbat service at 6 pm via the Facebook Live platform. You do NOT need to have a Facebook account to access this service. Simply go to this web address and from 6-7 pm you’ll be able to participate. It will be comforting to be together in community, even if virtually.

Saturday Morning

Saturday morning, March 14th, Rabbi Schaefer will lead a Torah study session in lieu of a regular service from 10:30-11:30am on the Torah portion, Ki Tisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35).
To participate, you can call on the phone or video chat. Either call in: 646-876-9923, or to view the video chat, download Zoom to your phone, tablet, or laptop and join us by clicking here:

We appreciate your patience as we work to figure out what platforms will work best for our services and programming and will explore additional avenues of virtual connection through in the coming weeks. We are here for you, we are here with you.

With blessings for good health during this challenging time. May we discover resources within and between us that we may not have known before, and be stronger and more compassionate for this experience.

L’briyut – to health,

Benjamin Berkowitz, Co-President
Annie Rotner, Co-President
Rabbi Audrey Berkman
Rabbi Daniel Schaefer
Shari Churwin, Acting Executive Director and Education Director