
Health Update: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Education Department

Dear Families,

We are reaching out to you today to give you an update on the precautions that we are using here at Temple Ohabei Shalom to continue to keep our children and community healthy, as many are worried about the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19 ) and flu. Our policy is to follow the recommendations from the Brookline Health Department and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This week, the Brookline Health Department shared that the immediate risk to Brookline residents from COVID-19 remains low.

We are taking all possible measures to ensure that we are prepared and ready for any impact that COVID-19 may have on our community. Our staff is trained in the best practices, which include hand washing (for at least 20 seconds) as well as covering up coughs and sneezes with the elbow. We are in the process of creating hand sanitizing stations at the entry points to our building, and recommend to everyone that you begin a policy of washing your hands immediately upon entering your homes or schools, as well as regularly sanitizing frequently-used items such as phones, computer keyboards, and doorknobs. Note that TCEE children are not permitted to use alcohol based hand sanitizer solutions. The CDC also recommends that you try not to touch your face, especially your eyes, nose, or mouth. Of course that’s a more difficult task for our toddler friends, but we will emphasize this for older children and adults. In addition, as per usual, children who seem unwell will be sent home.

We are regularly and closely monitoring all information from the CDC, Brookline Health Department (current recommendations found here) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. We are following all recommended guidelines to ensure the safety of all of our families, children and staff and will continue to share new information with you as it becomes available.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any comments questions or concerns.


Shari Churwin, Acting Executive Director and Education Director
Daniel Anderson, HomeBASE Site Supervisor
Amy Deutsch, ARS Director