
Social Action at Temple Ohabei Shalom:News & Events: February 2020


Thank you to everyone who attended “The Climate Crisis: What’s Our Role in 2020?” This month’s opportunities include Tikkun Olam Tuesday, a visit to Family Table, and voter registration for new citizens.

Do you have a volunteering or social justice event you’d like Temple Ohabei Shalom to support?

E-mail socialaction@ohabei.org and let us know!


Tuesday, February 4, 7 pm: Ask Your State Rep About Affordable Health Care

Currently, GBIO is organizing In-District Healthcare Reform Meetings with State Reps across Greater Boston. Come to a meeting in your neighborhood to learn more and make your presence felt with your legislator!

If you live in Brookline, the meeting with Representative Tommy Vitolo will be Tuesday, February 4, at 7 pm at Temple Beth Zion. If you’d like to attend, please RSVP with Lori Berry loriabramsberry@gmail.com or Donna Rubenoff drubenoff@comcast.net.

Tuesday, February 11, 4-7 pm: Tikkun Olam Tuesday

Join Rabbi Schaefer and TOS members for Tikkun Olam Tuesday, where we work together as a community to help local organizations in need. Come during the event to make cards for Hebrew Senior Life and dog toys for the ASPCA, manage our coin drive for tzedakah, or cook for Kayla’s Caring Community — or sign up for set-up, clean-up, or to deliver the items later in the week. Sign up online.

Please note: Tikkun Olam Tuesday is the deadline to register for our visit to Family Table on February 23.

Sunday, February 23, 9:30 am: Food Delivery for JCFS Family Table

Did you know that recent federal cuts to the SNAP/food stamps program will reduce benefits for 700,000 people nationwide? Family Table, a program of Jewish Family and Children Services, provides nutritious food to families in the greater Boston area who are in need. Come help prepare and deliver bags of groceries on Sunday February 23. Registration deadline: Tuesday, February 11 (all forms available at Tikkun Olam Tuesday). Please contact Shoma Dhar for details and to sign up.

Thursday, February 27, 12:45 pm: Register New Citizens to VOTE

MIRA, the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugree Advocacy Coalition, leads voter registration drives directly after naturalization ceremonies throughout the state of Massachusetts, often at Faneuil Hall or other landmarks in the Greater Boston Area. A group from TOS is volunteering on Thursday, February 27, from 1:30–2:30 pm. Please let Lori Berry know if you’ll be joining her.



  • Do you want to get to know more of your TOS friends and neighbors? Are you interested in social justice issues? Join Temple Ohabei Shalom’s GBIO organizers to learn more about 1-to-1 conversations and opportunities to connect. Contact Donna Rubenoff or Jessica Ullian.
  • HIAS National Refugee Shabbat is on March 20 and 21. Help TOS plan speakers and community learning activities for this important event. Contact: Susan Zeiger.


Other events: Please look at the list below and e-mail the designated contact to learn more.


Date and Time



Meet Your State Rep: Talk About Health Care: with Kevin Honan, Boston, Michael Moran, Boston and Brookline, and Tommy Vitolo, Brookline Tuesday, February 4, 7 pm Temple Beth Zion, 1566 Beacon St, Brookline TOS & Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
Workshop: How (and Why) to Run for Local Office Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 6:30 – 9 pm Select Board Room, Brookline Town Hall, 333 Washington St., Brookline MA League of Women Voters Brookline
Tikkun Olam Tuesday at Temple Ohabei Shalom Tuesday, February 11, 4:30-7 pm TOS TOS, TCEE, ARS
TOS visit to JF&CS Family Table Sunday, February 23, 9:30 am Family Table, 1430 Main St., Waltham TOS Social Action (Shoma Dhar)
New Citizen Voter Registration Thursday, February 27, 12:45 pm Meet at TOS; take the T to Faneuil Hall TOS Social Action (Lori Berry)
Jewish Climate Action Network Meeting Thursday, February 27, 7-9 pm Congregation Beth El, 105 Hudson Road, Sudbury JCAN (Judy Mabel)



TOS Social Action Committee


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