
Yom Kippur Learning Sessions

Saturday, October 14, 2024
2:00-3:00pm: Learning Sessions (In-Person)

Many people in our community find meaning in spending much — if not all — of Yom Kippur day with us at the synagogue.  In between services, we will have afternoon learning sessions, and will provide reading material for reflection and conversation. Or, you might choose to take a walk in a nearby park or talk with friends. Following our Mincha, Yizkor and Neilah services, you can join in breaking the fast with your TOS community.

We will have two learning sessions. One by Len Davidson and one by Larry Green.

An exploration of Birkat HaGomel with Larry Green

Sourced from Gemara Brachot and inspired by Psalm 107, the Birkat Hagomel is a blessing of thanks offered by someone who has recovered serious illness or who has survived a difficult journey. The recitation of the blessing is then followed by an affirmation of the community. Larry Green, past TOS president, will lead a study session on the Birkat Hagomel, and there will be an opportunity for anyone who so wishes to recite the blessing.

“The Book of Jonah…more than a whale’s tale” with Len Davidson

While the Book of Jonah is best known for the image of a reluctant prophet being swallowed by a large fish, it is clear that there are many lessons to be found within this tale of repentance and forgiveness.  We will go to greater depths in analyzing this story and the meaning that we can find in the process.