
High Holy Days 2024

Welcome! Whether you are a member or are interested in exploring our community for the first time, we hope that you will choose to join us for the High Holy Day season this year. By offering a variety of services and programs for our diverse and multigenerational community, we hope that you will find meaningful connection here during this season of reflection and renewal, and in the new year to come.

Click for the High Holy Day Schedule 2024.

Membership and Ticket Information

Become a Greeter

First impressions are so important. Everyone can find their home under the dome. Our Greeters ensure that each person feels very welcome in our communal spaces. Belonging to a synagogue is about creating a community and building lifelong relationships. We embrace the Jewish value of kavod — dignity — which guides us to create a culture of respect from the moment anyone enters our spaces. We celebrate the diversity of all the individuals and families who call TOS home.

Prayerbook Pickups

For members who will be joining our online services from your home, you can borrow a High Holy Day prayerbook (machzor) from TOS. If you are interested, please email Executive Clergy Assistant, Daria Cohen at dcohen@ohabei.org.